Emission Schedule

The protocol gives – “emits” – Rune to Node Operators and Liquidity Providers. This is done to encourage people to take part in the early days before there are significant fees being generated.

Rune emitted per year

Emitted in year 1
ᚱ 36,741,245
Total Rune emitted after year 1
ᚱ 36,741,245
Remaining Rune after year 1
ᚱ 183,706,227
Node Operators ᚱ24,494,164Liquidity Providers ᚱ12,247,082

Rune emitted over 10 years

To Node OperatorsTo Liquidity ProvidersYear after launch12345678910
ᚱ Emittedᚱ 10,000,000ᚱ 20,000,000ᚱ 30,000,000

This Spotlight was commissioned by the THORChain team to help spread knowledge and develop the community. Members of the Rebase team had holdings of RUNE exceeding $100 in value throughout the project.

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